Muss.Logic is also in the experts no stranger reason to mention the attention and benefit of some very successful artists like Twenty Pilots Owl City and Bassnectar somebody. This is a real blessing for live recording of bands or singer-songwriters to find ideas quickly and then use them as the basis for the final project as opposed to a metronome who later do everything again. The new strings and horns sound authentic crisp and clear although more on the immediate near side than when you pick up the room atmosphere as is the case in the Eastwest li ies. I can not speak Logic but Reaper plus free plugins like Variety of Sound and some of the great free softsynthes that U-hey Tyrell Nexus 6 is a tough combination for the price. Touch Bar along with Logic Remote on an iPad reduces the need for expensive hardware transportation and mixing controls that also accommodate your desktop. Having said that it may take some time to adapt to the Reaper architecture and adapt to your needs - I have used it for many years and still not fully mastered. My wife clapped Syncopated Rhythm in Adapt mode and Logic made gridlines and pace map beat by beat perfect.

Most of the instruments are in a pretty li y lock that packs in the instrument plug and separate effects already set up which makes it possible to play new tracks a breeze.