There was a character creator that is much more advanced than in previous games: in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, players can choose what abilities they want their character to have, such as super strength, flight, etc (by equipping things like Magneto's helmet, Wolverine's claws, ect.). Still more features from past LEGO games return in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, albeit slightly changed. These are hidden throughout New York City that feature characters not in the main story, have a comic style intro and outro, and are narrated by Deadpool. In the open world, players can also find the side-levels separate from the main storyline. Players may at any time in the game skydive from the S.H.I.E.L.D. The open world is the Marvel universe version of New York, and it also includes a helicarrier above the city that one can access. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, like its two predecessors LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game, contains a large open world that also acts as the game's hub. Not counting DLC characters, there are over 100 playable characters in the game. For example, Spider-Man has his "spider senses" that allow him to locate hidden bricks required for advancing the gameplay in levels, and the "big-figs" like the Hulk and Abomination can destroy or manipulate objects in ways even different than characters with normal super strength. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes includes some new powers and abilities as well, however. For instance, heat-related characters can destroy gold bricks, rocket-using characters can destroy silver bricks, super heroes that have the power of flight in the comic books can fly in the game, and characters with super strength can destroy or manipulate LEGO objects that normal characters cannot. LEGO Marvel Superheroes also carries over a large number of features that were included in LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.

The game was released on the PS4 on November 15, on the Xbox One on November 22, Mac OS X on May 8, 2014, and Nintendo Switch on October 5, 2021. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is a Video Game released Octo in North America, and on Novemin Europe.

PS Vita, 3DS, DS, Wii U, PS3, PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch 360 PS4, Xbox One, OS X